Microposts provide a level of communication with camp parents like no other. Share important, media-rich information such as event updates or re-enrollment information straight to your camp parents’ mobile devices.
Important information sent directly to camp parents
With the Campanion app you now have a direct line of communication to parents’ phones by creating Microposts. Microposts are short messages (up to 250 characters) that can include a link, photo, or video link which will appear in a parent’s stream. This puts your message front, center, and top-of-mind.

Reach camp parents like never before

Flexible, yet simple
Microposts work perfectly for updates to regularly let your camp parents know what’s happening at camp. Use them for day-to-day camp stories, sharing scheduling updates, or as a sales and marketing tool by providing information and calls-to-action for re-enrollment.
You can publish messages to specific parent groups, making their experience as relevant and rich as possible!
Instant gratification
Micropost notifications allow you to alert parents who have opted into this feature about new updates. Parents will get a notification about a “Camp Update” which takes them directly to the stream in the Campanion App.

Built just for you
Learn about all of the other great features of the Campanion app.
Ready to engage your camp parents like never before?
Let’s talk – schedule a meeting today to find out how you can get the Campanion app.