Ready to go mobile? Click here to set up a time to talk with us about all the ways Campanion can support staffing.
Provide your staff with an easy, fast, and mobile way to complete their forms.

Your staff are always on their phones. Meet them where they are.
Your staff are always on their phones. Now your forms are too. Don’t let computer access or inconvenience get in the way of your ability to collect vital information from your staff. With staff forms in Campanion, it’s simple, seamless, and efficient to complete the forms process.
Keep your staff smiling and your forms flowing.
Using the Campanion app, staff can view the complete list of forms that they are required to submit before working at camp. Due dates for each form automatically change to indicate when a form is overdue.

Add simplicity to staff forms

Forms that function flawlessly
With the staff forms feature, forms can be downloaded, emailed, and then uploaded as PDFs right to a staff member’s profile. Paper forms are a breeze as well. When staff point the app at a document, page borders are automatically detected, ensuring you get a complete and high-quality PDF.
Built just for you
Learn about all of the other great features of the Campanion app.
Ready to engage your camp parents like never before?
Let’s talk – schedule a meeting today to find out how you can get the Campanion app.